Random Arean Pvp (Emo)
Been working on a non elite pvp build for random arena's since its alot easier tot get 1000 faction sometimes than the skills or quests themnselves.
Current build is.
1.ice spike
2.ice prison
3.frozen burst
4.<dont know>
5.AURA OF RESToration
6.heal other
7.healing breeze
8.res sig
Ok pretty basic build indeed and remeber no elite skills, I dont know what to use as my final skill.
Im really not interested in damage, honestly ice spike alone is more than enough damage output, @ only 5 mana and avging about 70 damage a hit it can get the job done. I was think of using Ice spikes, which is what i currently do but its really not that much more help.
So far ive tried -- Ice spikes, Deep Freeze, and Aura of protection. (i dont have silver armor) anyone see anything that might be useful?